..fine art gallery in downtown Kittery Foreside

The David Lussier Gallery is located at 66 Wallingford Square in Kittery’s quaint downtown and popular walkable neighborhood of Kittery Foreside. The gallery specializes in landscape paintings of by gallery owners and husband-and-wife team, David and Pamela Lussier. The gallery is also pleased to represent works by artist Benjamin Lussier along with other invited guest artists.

For more than 25 years David and Pam have led painting workshops and classes, both outdoors and, more recently, online. Both are involved in the plein air scene throughout the United States, participating in numerous events each year. The David Lussier Gallery and website depict a variety of heartfelt subject matter, reflecting this aspect of their professional life.

Kittery is the first town in Maine just over the Piscataqua Bridge from New Hampshire, and a visit to the David Lussier Gallery is only 3 minutes away. Come make this charming, historic, and refreshing neighborhood in Maine’s oldest town a stop along the way and see firsthand all that it has to offer.

Regular Hours: May-Dec Thursday-Saturday 11-5PM Sunday 11-4PM.


David A Lussier

"I am a painter in the purist sense of the word and my vision for my subject is truthful and from the heart. There is a dialogue that takes place between myself and my subject matter as I apply paint to canvas. I believe that by painting a thing as simply as possible, you can get to the spirit of it, and then subject and artist reveal themselves to each other. When I feel satisfied, I put the brushes down and hope that the viewer will feel satisfied too."

Benjamin Lussier

As a plein air painter, I choose to make my studio out in the world because I revel in the opportunity to serve as a witness to the visible being of things. As I am continually in thrall to the unexpected nuances of the landscapes which I paint, the most rewarding experiences I can have as a painter are those moments when I am surprised by my own work. There is nothing more exciting than getting home after a long plein air session, hanging up a fresh painting and realizing: Oh! I didn’t know it looked that way! I sincerely hope that my work invokes in others a similar sense of wonder at the world, and at the privilege of our participation as witnesses to its miraculous unfolding.

Pamela M Lussier

"In my work I wish to give to my viewer a feeling of calmness and healing in these turbulent times. A strong abstract pattern provides a feeling of inner strength, so the viewer will sense a strong overall force holding this world together. I also strive to capture a sense of place in my natural subject, as well as a certain quality in my narrative paintings, that gives the viewer a sense that every individual life matters."

Jennifer Simpson

I cherish every opportunity to be fully present in nature in a way only painting provides. I find joy in the dynamic details of my surroundings, and I want my paintings to reflect this affection for the landscape. In each work, I strives to balance accuracy and abstraction in a way to that brings an intimate sense of place to the viewer.

David Image 2018.jpg

Plein Air Workshops!

We teach painting workshops in New England and along the Eastern Seaboard throughout the year. Our Annual Monhegan Island Maine Workshop is now in its 26th year. (Read more)

The Best of Winter Book!

This book is a collection of twenty-eight winter landscape paintings. Each year in December, over the course of twelve days, we paint winter snow scenes, and both produce a painting a day. The 'Best of Winter' is a collection of our favorite images so far. You can even preview the images!

Our 2025 Gallery Season!

The David Lussier Gallery 2025 season is from mid April through December 24. We will officially kick off the new season with an opening reception.

Accu-Value Scales!

The Accu-Value cards are something that We’ve been using with our students for more than 25 years of teaching classes and workshops. The students who consistently use them gain a full understanding of how important values are to the success of their work and it shows. Each pack consists of 20 long-lasting and reusable value scales.

David Lussier’s Art Circle!

Critique Zoom Classes. Artists paint independently throughout the week and meet up online for camaraderie, a critique session and an assignment challenge. (Read more)

Online Mini Workshops. Instructional videos, handouts and assignments to work on independently. (Read more)

Photo Reference Library. Choose from an assortment of New England landscape photos available to download.


Welcome to the age of print-on-demand merchandise. We now have several blank notecards, note/sketch books and coffee mugs available with some of our favorite paintings on them. If you’re looking for something to wear out painting or in the studio, we have apparel available with our workshop logo embroidered on them.